Serene Sky Hydrangea Bouquet
A captivating bouquet inspired by the tranquil beauty of the sky, featuring lush blue and white hydrangeas arranged elegantly with fresh greenery. Wrapped in soft blue paper and tied with a matching ribbon, this bouquet exudes calmness and sophistication. Perfect for expressing gratitude, offering congratulations, or simply brightening someone's day, the serene tones and delicate design make this bouquet a timeless and versatile gift. Its peaceful charm is sure to leave a lasting impression.
- ไฮเดรนเยียสีฟ้า (Blue Hydrangeas)
- ไฮเดรนเยียสีขาว (White Hydrangeas)
- ใบไม้ประดับ (Greenery)
หมายเหตุ : ดอกไม้อาจมีการปรับเปลี่ยนตามฤดูกาล (Flowers type be adjusted according to the season.)