Lavender Statice Delight Bouquet
This elegant bouquet features a lush arrangement of delicate lavender statice flowers, known for their charm and timeless beauty. Wrapped in soft pink paper and tied with a matching ribbon, this bouquet exudes a sense of grace and sophistication. Perfect for expressing love, gratitude, or celebrating special moments, its minimalist design and vibrant lavender tones make it a standout gift for any occasion. Simple yet stunning, this bouquet captures the essence of beauty in every detail.
Big Statis Bouquet
- ดอกสแตติสสีม่วง (Lavender Statice)
- ใบไม้ประดับ (Greenery)
หมายเหตุ : ดอกไม้อาจมีการปรับเปลี่ยนตามฤดูกาล (Flowers type may be adjusted according to the season.)