Classic Red and White Rose Bouquet
A timeless and elegant bouquet featuring the perfect combination of vibrant red roses and pristine white roses. Accented with delicate statice and wrapped in luxurious navy-blue paper, this arrangement exudes sophistication and grace. The bouquet is finished with a stylish ribbon, making it an ideal gift for romantic occasions, anniversaries, or to convey heartfelt emotions. Its classic design and rich colors make it a stunning choice for any celebration or expression of love.
- กุหลาบสีแดง (Red Roses)
- กุหลาบสีขาว (White Roses)
- ดอกแคสเปีย (Statice)
- ใบไม้ประดับ (Greenery)
หมายเหตุ : ดอกไม้อาจมีการปรับเปลี่ยนตามฤดูกาล (Flowers type may be adjusted according to the season.)