Custom Red and White Rose Letter Bouquet
A stunning bouquet designed to make a personal statement, featuring vibrant red roses arranged to form custom letters, accented by pristine white roses for a striking contrast. Delicately surrounded by soft baby's breath, statice, and lush greenery, this bouquet is elegantly wrapped in rich red and gold paper and tied with a satin ribbon. Perfect for expressing love, celebrating special moments, or surprising someone with a meaningful gesture, this personalized arrangement is both unique and unforgettable. A perfect gift for birthdays, anniversaries, or romantic declarations.
BQT-XL-018 Custom Red and White Rose Letter Bouquet
ดอกไม้ ประกอบด้วย (Flowers included):
- กุหลาบสีแดง (Red Roses)
- กุหลาบสีขาว (White Roses)
- ดอกยิปโซ (Baby's Breath)
- ดอกแคสเปีย (Statice)
- ใบไม้ประดับ (Greenery)