Elegant Orange and Pink Rose Bouquet
This stunning bouquet combines the vibrant beauty of orange and pink roses with soft pastel accents, creating a harmonious blend of colors. Each bloom is complemented by delicate fillers like statice and baby's breath, along with lush greenery to enhance its elegance. Wrapped in a sophisticated blush-toned paper and finished with a pink ribbon, this bouquet is perfect for birthdays, anniversaries, or any heartfelt celebration. Its timeless charm and vibrant hues make it a memorable gift for any occasion.
BQT-XL-020 Elegant Orange and Pink Rose Bouquet
- กุหลาบสีส้ม (Orange Roses)
- กุหลาบสีชมพู (Pink Roses)
- กุหลาบสเปรย์สีพาสเทล (Pastel Spray Roses)
- ดอกแคสเปีย (Statice)
- ดอกยิปโซ (Baby's Breath)
- ใบไม้ประดับ (Greenery)
หมายเหตุ : ดอกไม้อาจมีการปรับเปลี่ยนตามฤดูกาล (Flowers type may be adjusted according to the season.)